Have you had a recent thought I need more peace in my life? In today's society, so many of us are busy. Whether it's work, family, relationships, or social events, the world just seems to be going faster and faster. At times it can feel like we are continually spinning from one event to the next. I've recently returned from a long ministry trip overseas. It was incredible. It was not a stress, or a burden because I was doing what I enjoy.
I arrived back home at 6 am after more than 24 hours of travel and then spent the day spent catching up with my family, doing school pickups, returning emails, office work, kids basketball game at night, late dinner, and then when the kids had finally gone to bed it was time for me to relax. I was no longer busy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I was at peace.
Real peace for me is when I take time aside to think and plan and consider the priorities of my life. I actually need to schedule this time in; It may seem strange to schedule in peace, but I've realized that I have to fight for the things that are important. I love going to a local café down on the beach and spending time with God. Reading the Bible gives me peace and always helps me to refocus. I love walking along the beach, watching the waves. I love the smell of the beach air. These simple experiences energize me and remind me that God is powerful and in control.
What things in your world give you peace? Shopping, watching TV, or playing the X-box may help us to relax, but I suspect they are distractions rather than solutions. I find peace when I remember that somebody else is in control.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4: 6-7
If we take the time to pause, reflect and allow God's perspective to enter our hearts and minds, then God's peace is available to us. Even in the midst of all the busyness of life, peace is possible. I'd love to hear from you about how you find peace in your world.