I’m pondering about an event we’re running, called Believe School of Healing. It’s an event where we receive practical teaching on healing and impartation, and set time aside to pray those who need healing.
I often think about the people who don’t turn up. For whatever reason they haven’t found their way to the event that potentially could set them on a new course of healing and breakthroughs. This principle is called ‘Cause and Effect’.
My mentor says that 90% of breakthroughs come from just turning up. Which means just being in the room can often be enough for you to receive a breakthrough in your life.
Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other. This is a combination of action and reaction.
Examples of Cause and Effect:
I never brush my teeth – I have 5 cavities.
I smoke cigarettes – now I have lung cancer
An oil spill – many deaths to wildlife
We can also apply ‘Cause and Effect’ to our spiritual life:
I prayed – now I have received my healing
I gave my life to Christ – now I’m spending eternity in heaven
I read my bible – my mind is renewed
There are so many things that cause an effect, when applied to our everyday life. When I begin to think about it gives me a headache, because it actually applies to almost everything we do. This shouldn’t make us run away from thinking and pondering about it, but it should make us more aware of their consequences, both positive and negative.
Why don’t you take a few moments to consider how you’re relating with your family, your friends and your relationship with God? The irony is, even in doing this there is a ‘Cause and Effect’, regardless of whether you do or don’t!