There is a famous passage in the Bible that says it is not good for man to be alone. It is referring to the relationship with your wife but I think it spans far beyond that.
Doing life by yourself can be very lonely and a thankless task. I find having people around you that are building with you, whether it is your spouse, fellow colleagues or friends makes the world we live in a lot more palatable.
I have been working in my current job for six years now and slowly but surely our team is taking shape and momentum is building.
I know that some people are what we call ‘loners’ – head down, tail up and don’t seek much interaction. That is not me. I like people but when I say I like people I mean, I really like people! I like hearing their journey, the successes and the disappointments.
As our team grows, one of the things I look forward to is sharing our goals and the reason why we do what we do. But I also love hearing their life goals and in whatever capacity I can, working alongside them to help achieve those goals.
We are wired to function in community rather than isolation and that reality is echoed throughout the Bible. Samuel had his ‘mighty men’ and Jesus had his twelve disciples, men they did life together with and built up. It is still vital today, if not more so in a world so driven by and dependent on technological. Successful people in the marketplace like Bill Gates and Donald Trump, people who we might view as solo flyers, all have people within close proximity whom they are building up and imparting to.
As I write this blog, my encouragement would be to share your world with those around you. Build into somebody else’s life and see the rewards of that. Don’t do life by yourself and by doing so dismiss a source of great blessing, that is adding value into the lives of others!